Industrial ISD Motto
“Because They Think They Can, They Will”
Industrial ISD Mission Statement
All of the Industrial Independent School District students will be taught a uniform curriculum based on a state and District adopted courses of study. The district has high expectations of its students and declares its effort and resources to assure that each student will learn and will be a contributing responsible member of an ever-changing society.
Industrial ISD Vision Statement
The graduates of Industrial ISD will have the personal confidence and ability to succeed at their next level of education or employment. Industrial ISD believes that all students have the ability to acquire life long learning skills, discipline, work ethic, good moral values, a strong sense of right and wrong, and the ability to approach problems with optimism and commitment. All of our academic and extra-curricular programs will be aimed at helping our students develop these qualities through student-centered activities. Industrial ISD will provide students and the community with the best possible educational resources we can. The Board of Trustees and the Administrative Leadership Team will work together to facilitate and communicate our vision and mission to the entire Industrial community.
As a result of their experiences at Industrial ISD our graduates will reflect on their school days with pride, humility, and positive memories, realizing that their success was handed down by those who came before. They will become successful wherever they go, but never forget where they are from!
The Industrial Vision for student success is embodied in our motto, “Because They Think They can, They Will”.